Hey, I’m Sygga!

I’m the creator and owner of Th3 Journ3y, a spiritual safe haven for spiritualists of all levels to dive deeper into their spiritual Journ3y and connect with their spirit team.

I want to take a moment to share a little bit about myself!

My name is Princess, but I go by Sygga, and I'm an educator, light worker, life coach, intuitive reader, and educator from Richmond, Virginia living in Dallas, TX! I hold a master’s degree in social welfare from UCLA and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from VCU. Throughout my professional career I’ve worked with people of all backgrounds in clinical, educational, and extra curricular settings.

After working in education, foster care, therapy, and social work for over 5 years, I made an entrepreneurial leap into spiritual instruction and coaching to carry out my purpose as a light-worker. Thanks to my extensive background, I am known for my multidisciplinary and light-hearted approach. 

My spiritual Journ3y began in 2019 when I was about 3.5 years deep into a toxic, karmic relationship that I didn’t feel strong enough to remove myself from. After endless hours of meditating, journaling, crying, and listening to sermons and spiritual talks for upliftment, I finally gained the strength and courage to say goodbye to what was no longer aligned with who I was growing into. This is when my spiritual attunement really took off! I learned so much about myself, my gifts, and my unique connection with Spirit. And guess what?... I'm STILL learning.

My purpose in my work is to lead people just like you towards their own inner light, strength, and guidance. I do this by gently sliding a mirror in front of your face to help you see your own beauty, shadow, quirks, uniqueness, shadow, power, shadow, and wisdom. Did I mention shadow? 😅 There's so much power within all of us, and I'm grateful to be a part of your Journ3y to help you tap into all that is YOU.  

Now here I am, several Angel Numbers, journal entries, dark nights of the soul, cryptic dreams, and meditations later, walking in my purpose the best way I know how: authentically!

Thank you for allowing me to show up as myself and heal with you. I look forward to working together.​

Love & Light, 


Let the Healing Begin